The Presence of Mind Meditation course

woman meditating

If you are experiencing anxiety or feeling overwhelmed and dispirited, this course will help you to tune into an inner healing intelligent Presence that will help guide you through the ups and downs of daily life.


The #1 Obstacle to Inner Peace

anxious person

The biggest obstacle to our inner peace is our inability to quieten our anxious busy chattering mind.

No matter how chaotic or stressful our circumstances may be, it is much easier to navigate life's daily challenges with a clear mind.

Meditation is a big help with this. But unfortunately, meditation can't help us, if our mind won't stop chattering.

That internal negative voice tends to get in the way and it's a vicious circle.


The Solution

You have a mind. But you are not your mind. And we can give your personal mind something else to do while you meditate.

You are then free to access the level of awareness that is beyond your personal mind - the Eternal Mind, an intelligent indwelling presence of Love.


The Course

When you register for the Presence of Mind meditation course at the Serene Empowerment Teachable school, you will receive a step-by-step introduction to meditation - which doesn't involve you trying to silence your mind.

All you need to do is listen to each audio recording as it becomes available (the first two modules are available immediately) and practise the simple exercises.

The Benefits

The benefits of continual meditation practice include:

  • Clarity of mind and solution-oriented thinking

  • Ability to remain calm and grounded in chaos

  • Increased creativity and productivity

  • Returns you to the natural state of peace of your Original Self (Soul)

  • Ability to tune into an inner healing intelligent Presence of Love to guide you through your life


What to do next

Register for the Presence of Mind meditation course at the Serene Empowerment school on Teachable.

You will receive emails with a link to each module of the course when it becomes available. The first two modules are available immediately.

Listen to each audio recording, practise the simple exercises and download the summary guides to read in your own time.

The skills you develop in this introductory course will help you to become a grounded peaceful influence and a helpful healing presence to those around you.