The 12 Stages of Serene Empowerment
“I accept that there is a powerful Source within me that can provide me with guidance, wisdom, comfort and peace in my daily life.
“I turn my daily life over to the care and direction of this Source of Wisdom.
“I accept that my Original Authentic Self was created in the True Nature and Spirit of this Source of Wisdom and that I am still this Original Self, no matter what I have done or what I have failed to do as an ego personality.
“I recognise that what I think creates my perception and therefore my experience of reality.
“I commit to continually forgiving and releasing myself from my past errors knowing that my power and healing lies in the present.
“I make a joyful inventory of all the blessings, gifts, abundance and miracles that I receive in my daily life.
“I recognise that I am neither inferior or superior to any other human being but inherently equal.”
“I commit to continually releasing myself from my resentments, judgements, grievances and grudges against others.
“I recognise that there are no chance encounters and that every relationship is significant.
“I practise self-honesty and accept responsibility for what I think and experience.
“Through conscious communication, natural communion and meditation, I deepen my connection with my Inner Source of Guidance.
“I allow myself to be an instrument for my Source of Wisdom and I share these principles with others, as guided.
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Introduction to the 12 Stages of Serene Empowerment