The Importance of Self-Soothing for Adults

The Importance of Self-Soothing for Adults

In this episode, we explore the importance of self-soothing skills for adults and how this can help us, not only with challenges in the workplace, but with every aspect of our daily lives.

Topics explored include:

What is self-soothing?

How children self soothe

How self-soothing activates the relaxation response in the body and feelgood chemicals in the body

The physiological sigh (a quick breathing technique to reduce stress)

The impact of trauma in early childhood and how it affects our ability to manage our emotions in adult life

The benefits of self-soothing for adults

Why yoga nidra can be a self-soothing practice

How yoga nidra resets our nervous system and contributes to our physical wellbeing

Other examples of self-soothing practices

Why somatic therapies are effective

Examples of self-compassion practices

Work Passion vs Work Addiction

Image of a happy worker, image of a stressed worker

Part One:

In this episode, we explore the differences between healthy work passion and unhealthy work addiction.

We look at how work passion and work addiction are often confused and why this is problematic for working culture and environments.

We also start to look at how aligning ourselves with the rhythm of nature and cycles in the natural world can help to facilitate work-life balance and harmony.

#workaholics #Taoism #meditation #mindfulness

Why Modern Societies Resist Rest and Relaxation (The Tao of Yoga Nidra podcast)

Urban life, sleeping woman, rural night sky

Exploring our collective cultural resistance towards rest, relaxation, meditation and sleep

We expose some of the myths and cultural beliefs that surround relaxation and meditation practices (such as this being lazy, unproductive, waste of time and self-indulgent)

We look at some of the amazing physiological and psychological health benefits that result from simple regular relaxation routines.

There is also a very brief introduction to the wide-ranging health benefits of the progressive muscle relaxation technique.

New Podcast: The Tao of Yoga Nidra - A Healing Path for Workaholics

The Tao of Yoga Nidra cover art with a yin yang symbol

Are you overworked and overstretched?

Maybe you are a workaholic. Or perhaps you have multiple jobs because of financial difficulties.

Maybe you find it impossible to relax, unwind or sleep because of workplace stress.

The Tao of Yoga Nidra is a podcast series that has been developed to provide information about improving physical health, mental health and emotional wellbeing as well as guided meditation episodes for those who are experiencing the physical, mental and emotional consequences of chronic overwork.

This episode is an introduction and an overview to the upcoming themes in this podcast.

Interview with Michael Arterberry

Interview with motivational speaker and author, Michael Arterberry.

In this inspiring interview, Master Encourager, Michael Arterberry talks about living a conscious life and finding our purpose. He shares some of his inspirational personal story and gives us guidance about maintaining our optimism and perspective as we navigate our current global challenges. 

You can get a copy of his book Be Encouraged at his website

How Holistic Energy Healing helps anxiety

How holistic energy healing can help with anxiety, stress, depression and related conditions. 

This episode explains how holistic energy healing can work on, not only the symptoms of anxiety, but also the deeper (sometimes unconscious) causes.

We also look at the six pillars of holistic health (physical, emotional, mental, social, environmental and spiritual) and explain why the spiritual aspect is the most significant of them all.


Restoring Peace of Mind At Times of Crisis

This is episode one of a new series of podcasts.

This episode discusses the key to restoring serenity during times of crisis. 

It also explores the difference between our personality (the source of our stress) and our Original Self or Soul (the source of our peace). 

There is also an Introduction to the Loving All Method, as taught by spiritual teacher, Michael Langford.

The Politics of Ego versus the Wisdom of Spirit

This talk is about how the current divisive political climate reflects the way the human ego works, looking in particular at the historical political events this week in the USA and the UK in reference to a passage from the book The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament.

We see how the events surrounding the latest Trump controversy and the latest Brexit controversy reflects how our individual mind works when it is governed by the ego and we also take a look at how we can move to a mindset where we are governed by the unifying wisdom of spirit.

trump and zel.jpg