Sometimes we tend to think of "peace" just as quietness, calm or boredom. We tend to equate peace with the absence of excitement or with simply being relaxed. Or we tend to equate peace with death as in RIP.
But there are other meanings of peace.
Peace is not just a case of deep relaxation or being in tranquil surroundings. Peace can be a state of mind.
You can be at peace in the middle of tumultuous surroundings, chaos, noisy environment, a war zone, if you are connected to your inner peace.
This state of inner peace is not just a case of feeling supremely “chilled out”, deeply relaxed, mildly detached from everything or indifferent apathy.
This Peace with a capital P is not only the absence of anxiety, stress and turmoil but the Presence of Love, Confidence and Trust, a transformative Peace that generates power and strength.
It is a Peace where you feel safe to be your Self, no matter what you are doing or where you are or what circumstances you find yourself in. You feel completely safe to express and radiate the Presence of Power and Love. And therefore those who come into your presence for those moments, let down their defences and feel safe to be who they are.
It is a Peace that is not only the absence of war and conflict, but a Peace that will give us a sense of purpose and direction, be the centre from which we operate and be the Guiding Star in our lives.
To sum up, Peace is power. It is a state of grace, confidence and trust.
Peace is also our stepping stone to experiencing happiness and well-being that is not dependent on our circumstances.
The best and deepest type of happiness is happiness for no reason.