The Three Elements

How the Power of Creation helps with low confidence

The Power of Creation is one of the three elements of natural wellbeing.


The Three Elements are the Power of Creation, the Power of Presence and the Power of Wisdom.

The Power of Creation can help with our psychological wellbeing, particularly in relation to low confidence and anxiety.

This approach is based on the understanding that all of our experiences come through the filter of our mind. Whether that be our thinking, our feelings, the way we express ourselves, our behaviour, what we see and how we respond to others – all experience comes from our unconscious seed ideas based on our particular origin story or original wound. And we give life to these ideas through our beliefs.

So, if your main experience of everyday life is one of anxiety, of always being worried and concerned and having physical symptoms related to these worries that affect your body, in this approach, we understand that it all comes from our thought.

In this context, “thought” is different from thinking. We could describe “thought” as a seed idea and thinking as the end result. Thinking is mental activity. It is the effect of a seed idea or it is the form of the seed manifested.

So, thinking can arise in the form of a voice in your head telling you that you need to be worried or that you need to protect yourself.

Thinking can arise in the form of mental imagery or flashbacks showing you pictures in your mind of things that went wrong for you in the past and that could potentially go wrong for you again.

You can also imagine worst case scenarios and have that play back in your head in the form of mental imagery.

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Now, there are many different seed ideas or thoughts. But let’s take, for example, the seed idea that means a person feels that they’re not good enough and that nothing they ever do is right.

So, this would create an experience for them where the internal chatter in their mind - the end result of this seed idea - would be negative mental chatter, constant criticism of the self, negative self-talk and continually insulting and berating themselves.

We also have a little movie archive in our brain. So, in the case of our person who doesn’t feel good enough, their mental imagery would be composed of all the movies in their archive of past events in their personal history where they believed they messed up and this provides evidence for the belief that he or she isn’t good enough.

Another example would be where a person feels that they can’t trust anybody in their life. So, their invisible seed idea would be, “Nobody can be trusted. I have to protect myself.”

If we were to use the example of feelings instead of thinking, then this would create an experience of always feeling fearful and having to cautiously watch other people in anticipation of getting stabbed in the back. They would always be anticipating and seeing evidence of people letting them down because what we focus our attention on tends to manifest in some way in our lived experience.

So, using the Power of Creation, we can transform our seed ideas and then this creates end results where our thinking, the way we express ourselves, the way we behave and the way we see life, automatically transforms naturally once that initial origin seed idea changes.

When we cut off the root of the unhelpful idea that has been planted in our mind, then its flowers which are the resultant thinking, behaviour, speech patterns and emotions will all transform in correspondence with the new seed idea.

The Three Elements of Psychological and Spiritual Wellbeing

The 3 elements of natural and psychological wellbeing are Creation, Presence and Wisdom.

So, let’s first look at Creation.


This is the power to create through thought.

When we think, we receive ideas and we invest in the ideas that we believe in. We invest them with our energy, we bring them to life and then we see them outpictured in the world around us.

Now, this creative power of thought, as the name suggests, can manifest as our actual thinking, as the words we hear in our mind, or as mental imagery, and as memory and imagination.

But the Power of Creation can also manifest as our emotions and as bodily sensations, as a direct result of receiving and believing in these ideas.

The Power of Creation via thought can also manifest as the appearances of what we see around us and what we choose to pay attention to or focus on in our immediate environment.

The ideas we receive and believe can also manifest in our behaviour and in how we react and respond to other people.

These ideas also impact how we see ourselves and how we view others.

So, one seed idea can create, for us, an entire reality (or pseudo-reality, depending on its validity).

We could look at these ideas as seeds. We could look at beliefs as the water that nurtures the seeds. And we could view the mind as the soil in which the seeds blossom or fester.

Ideas can spread like weeds if they are very negative and we can descend down a rabbit hole of associated unhelpful, unconstructive and destructive ideas.

Alternatively, positive, life-affirming ideas can bloom and blossom likes flowers and contribute to, and enhance, our wellbeing and mental health.

So, that is the Power of Creation that produces our moment-to-moment experience. And you can therefore see, with problems such as low confidence or anxiety, how our seed ideas and beliefs can then contribute to our experience and affect how we see and react to, and interact with, the world around us.


The next fundamental element of natural wellbeing is the Power of Presence.

By Presence, we mean our True Self. The True Self is our identity that extends beyond the physical body and beyond our surface personality.

We could also call it the Soul. But it is a Universal Soul.

Presence could be described as Life itself. It is the animating spirit or what some cultures refer to as the Great Spirit that is the source of all living things.

The Power of Presence is the source of our healing. It contributes to our natural wellbeing because it is beyond the limitations of the physical body, personality and our individual psyche, emotional baggage and hang-ups.

This Eternal Presence existed before we were born and it is what we will eventually return to when our individual consciousness leaves the physical body at death.


And then finally, we have the Power of Wisdom.

This is the innate intelligence of the Great Spirit.

Wisdom is the Voice of the Great Spirit that we receive internally as intuition, clarity and guidance. It includes the wisdom of the ages, the sages and the collective intelligence of all Life.

So these are the three elements of natural wellbeing and psychological and spiritual healing.

And when you understand, access or merge with the Powers of Creation, Presence and Wisdom, they can elevate your wellbeing and expand your sense of Self and be an ever-present source of healing and guidance in your everyday life.