Serene Empowerment is the title of my forthcoming book and, as the title suggests, it is all about cultivating serenity and empowering one self through spiritual means in order to reduce anxiety and stress levels.
We normally equate power with physical strength, military force or with economic wealth, political control and global influence.
However in this context, I am equating power with internal and spiritual strength and I am describing serenity as courageous acceptance and transforming wisdom, as in the first part of the serenity prayer:
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
Serene Empowerment is the kind of power that comes from peace, inner abundance and connection to a powerful universal source of love rather than the kind of power that comes from economic riches, military force and controlling or manipulating others.
In stillness, there is strength. In peace, there is power. In stillness, strength and peace, we have the power to transcend the stresses, anxieties and obstacles that may beset us in our daily lives with grace.
Serene Empowerment deals with restoring resilience and well-being, listening to intuitive guidance, reclaiming our true identity, recognising the power of thought to generate our experience, self-forgiveness and cultivating gratitude.